Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fish Triptych

Wave Patterns, as the top portion of the fish tryptich, has a light airy painterly character of loosely drawn strokes of color. Individual strokes create the planes of water surface that catch the light of the water in motion. It is the lightness of mood that the spectator is invited to ascend, from murky dark fish knotted in swarming motion, to bright animal energy of the middle panel, to bare lightness of the top most portion. The three paintings together are three states of mind, a transition from light to dark, a ladder of emotion from confusion to clarity.

Koi Swimming, the central component of a vertical triptich, shows the energetic center where fish swim in a dreamy blue water. The Koi are bright colored -- yellow, orange, red, white. They swim in a flowing rush.

Fish Swarming is bottom part of three paintings. Fish press together into a knot amid dark water.

Hung vertically the three units measure 60 x 120 (unframed)

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